“Power” Your Young Horse with...
A Unique Blend of Organic Mushrooms and Mycelia Matrices specifically engineered to aid in the growth of young horses' joints, muscles, bones and tendons.
Equine-D™ is produced from Nature's Ultimate Super Food - 'The Mushroom'. This proprietary, all natural, organic blend of various edible medicinal mushrooms provides multiple health benefits for horses.
Young Horse is a breakthrough in nutritional supplement support for younger horses because it takes a whole food holistic approach to equine nutrition.
It contains an all-natural, organic blend of various medicinal mushrooms that help to maintain your young horses peak health and performance in their growing years by providing them with powerful anti-oxidants that have tremendous anti-inflammatory properties.
These mushrooms are naturally enriched with Vitamin D2 (Ergocalciferol) and Ergo that build, boost and balance your horse’s immune system. This proprietary formula is designed to ensure optimal absorption and effect.
Natural whole food super supplement for Horses packed full of anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatories and pro-biotics