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  • Young Horse  8 Month Supply
    $302.40 (inc Tax) $280.00 (ex Tax) Young Horse 8 Month Supply
    “Power” Your Young Horse with... A Unique Blend of Organic Mushrooms and Mycelia Matrices specifically engineered to aid in the growth of young horses' joints, muscles, bones and tendons. Equine-D™ ...
  • Equine-D 8 Month Supply
    $280.80 (inc Tax) $260.00 (ex Tax) Equine-D 8 Month Supply
    Equine-D™ is produced from Nature's Ultimate Super Food - 'The Mushroom'. This proprietary, all natural, organic blend of various edible medicinal mushrooms provides multiple health benefits for horses...
  • Young Horse
    $75.55 (inc Tax) $69.95 (ex Tax) Young Horse
    “Power” Your Young Horse with... A Unique Blend of Organic Mushrooms and Mycelia Matrices specifically engineered to aid in the growth of young horses' joints, muscles, bones and tendons. Equine-D™ is...
  • Equine-D
    $75.55 (inc Tax) $69.95 (ex Tax) Equine-D
    Equine-D™ is produced from Nature's Ultimate Super Food - 'The Mushroom'. This proprietary, all natural, organic blend of various edible medicinal mushrooms provides multiple health benefits for horses...